Hemp-Based Products

In the US, very little is still known about this incredible plant’s attributes and flexibility. So many products can be derived from Hemp – rope, clothing, paper, hempcrete (better than concrete), nutritional products and food products!
It’s not marijuana so there is no THC. It’s also not CBD, but these hemp-based products are delicious and nutritious.
Product benefits include being high in Omegas 3, 6, & 9, high in trace minerals like potassium and magnesium and are lower in sugars. At Custom Foods, we are dedicated to the advancement of food products made with Hemp as a natural and earth-friendly food source.
Our current product line includes:
- Hemp-Based Pizza Products: Frozen Dough Balls & Par-Baked Pressed Shells
- Hemp-Based Cookie Dough: Current available in 14 oz. scoop and bake jars. Flavors include chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin.